After all, I love to watch videos, and if I can watch them on a Portable Media Player (PMP) in private, why shouldn’t I? Perhaps it is because many of these video goggles make you look really geeky, like Cyclops from X-men. In other words, they are not something most people would feel comfortable wearing in public without feeling like they are actively committing a serious fashion faux-pas. Of course, if you really want to talk about silly video goggles, let’s talk the TV Hat. This oversized baseball hat is made to hold an iPod, iPhone, or any other portable media player with a small screen. The 2.5x magnification screen coupled with the flaps around the hat create an effect not unlike being in a movie theater. I’m guessing that the headphones will be sold separately.Every time I review video goggles like the myvu or the Vuzix, I can’t help but wonder why this doesn’t catch on.