Media streaming is catching on these days, and the HSTi Wireless Media Stick is one of the latest devices from this line of gizmos to hit the market, where it enables users to stream media files from any computer that is hooked to a wireless network to virtually any USB-enabled device, be it a TV, gaming console or even stereo system. Setting it up is a snap – all you need to do is plug in the Wireless Media Stick into any available USB port on a computer, and the device will load the setup software automatically. Being part of your wireless network, it will wirelessly transfer and stream media via a 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi connection. Since it is USB-powered, there is no need for any additional batteries or external power supply whenever you tote this $119 device around.
Netgear has rolled out a bunch of new networking accessories which will target the home theater market in the form of the High-Performance Wireless-N HD Home Theater Kit (WNHDB3004) as well as the Universal WiFi Internet Adapter for Home Theater Devices and Gaming Consoles (WNCE2001). The former is a carrier-grade, tested and proven solution for wirelessly playing multiple jitter-free 1080p HD video and audio streams to virtually every room in your home flawlessly, boasting twice the performance and range of solutions in the market currently. As for the latter, it is capable of delivering Wireless-N performance of up to 300 Mbps via its Ethernet port of consumer electronic (CE) devices including Internet TVs, game consoles and Blu-ray players among others.
Instead of always purchasing a modern USB drive, we thankfully live in a world where people enjoy customizing their electronics. Even better there are select few that offer up their unique creations to be purchased by those of us that are incapable of designing something quite as complex. This steampunk drive will cost you a whole lot more than the average drive, but at least you’ll have something unique.
This simple device from Paraben looks like an ordinary USB thumb drive, and, when it is connected to the computer, it will search the hard drive for any pornographic material. It might take a while, as the company says that a 500GB hard drive containing 70,000 images will take an hour and half for a full search.Just to let you know, one of the reasons why I reported on this device is because I wanted the hits that will occur from those who search for the word “porn” on this site. For those that are looking for porn, beware, because the Porn Detection Stick is going to find you out.
I just had a chance to try out the WKB-4200UB, which is a regular-sized keyboard that isn’t really that different from the former model, really. Then again, I’ve reviewed many wireless keyboards, and there isn’t much to distinguish one from the other. I will say that this model of wireless keyboard does have the advantage of having a “power-off” button, something that is surprisingly a new feature from the Adesso wireless keyboards. I suppose that would make it the king of the Adesso wireless keyboards, and there are more features after the jump.The last Adesso keyboard I reviewed was the WKB-4000BB, and it was a netbook-sized keyboard for syncing with a PC, laptop, or even mobile device.
If you prefer your USB drives to be incredibly adorable, this turtle is the trick. He’ll lovingly store all of your necessary files and look cute doing it. What more could you ask for? Sure, some might claim it’s not the most adult looking USB drive, but not everyone wants to be stuck with a plain looking drive. Plus, if you have any kids they’d probably fall in love with the drive as well. Then again, that might be a bad thing once they start stealing it and hiding it in with their toys.
Instead of making your hand fit a mouse, why not have a mouse made to fit your hand? It’s definitely a more logical concept. After all, as much time as some of us spend on the computer, our mouse gets used just as much as our favorite pair of shoes. It only makes sense to measure out your hand and get a sized mouse, much like you’d pick out a set of shoes. This mouse is said to be the ultimate ergonomic mouse, partially because you measure your hands and choose the proper size
The original ReviveLite would work fine for most people, but the down side of it is that it was pretty bulky. Not only did it keep an outlet covered, but it also had a dock off to the side of the outlet. With this 2nd edition ReviveLite it looks a whole lot more sleek and won’t be quite as much in the way. This new design makes a whole lot more sense than the old one did.
Instead of purchasing a flash drive all by its lonesome, buy a friend for it too. Now thanks to KidRobot, you can have a friendly companion for your smiling USB drive. After all, you can’t always be around for the USB drive, eventually you have to sleep or even pay attention to real people. For those times, you have have Auto. He’s a little man with a cassette tape for a head. What more could you ask for in a friend for your flash drive?!
This is probably a follow-up to all the AIO printers that were revealed last year around Fall, but this one is designed for small to medium business and small and home office users. Like most Lexmark printers it has the 4-in-1 capability of print, scan, copy, or fax, but I don’t have any information if it will be wireless. Are we at the point where any printer these days has to be wireless? The big bragging right of the Lexmark Pinnacle Pro901, is the cheap price of ink cartridges. They are only $4.99, and are able to print 500 pages. Lexmark is glad to say that this is “a penny a page”. The cartridges, as well as the SmartSolutions and an industry-leading 5-year warranty, have earned the company the 2010 Hot Tech Demo Award.Lexmark has just recently unveiled their All-in-One (AIO) inkjet printer at the Fifth Annual Small Business Summit with the Pinnacle Pro901.
Western Digital is extremely well known for its line of storage devices where backup is concerned, and this time round they have come up with something that targets folks who are running on the Mac platform – we’re talking about the Western Digital My Passport SE for Mac. Available in two capacities of 750GB and 1TB, the My Passport SE for Mac is a portable USB drive which has been specially formatted before leaving the factory to work in a Mac environment right out of the box, complete with Apple Time Machine software compatibility.
Nothing will ever make you look quite as cool as owning a handgun flash drive. Sure, you can’t take it in most places, due to the stir it might cause. At least you’ll look tough though. With your jet black drive, I’ll bet you only store the toughest of your information on the drive. I haven’t the faintest idea what kind of information would be called tough, but I’ll bet you figure it out.
While some folks treat their pets as second class citizens, most of us do otherwise, as they are part of our family. With the Flexi PC Pet ID Tag, you can be sure that your mind won’t be as frazzled whenever Fido goes running off without letting you know beforehand – after all, it functions as a USB flash drive which is not only water- but shock-proof as well, allowing anyone who retrieves your pet to plug it into a computer to check out the owner’s information, ranging from contact number to address, vet information, medical and dietary needs among others. Updating it is a snap – the thing is, you will need to move your lazy butt to do so from your computer. Well, if you can spend an hour reading up on all of Tiger Woods’ mistresses, don’t you think spending a few minutes to keep your pet’s vital information updated all the more important? ThinkGeek is carrying the Flexi PC Pet ID Tag for$14.99.
faceVsion has unveiled their latest FVexpress Combo 720p HD web VideoCam + Express card solution for the general market, and this highly anticipated gizmo will target notebook users who want to keep in touch with family, friends and business associates through video calls in High Definition quality, thanks to its ability to offer users a true 720p HD video chat experience via Google Talk and faceVsion’s QuLives communications manager application. In comparison to other pseudo-HD webcams which are able to transmit HD locally, the FVexpress Combo is more than capable of delivering full-motion 30fps 720p video over the Internet for an unparalleled video chatting experience that is so real, it feels as though you were being there yourself!
Having a portable hard drive or external hard disk these days seem to be the trend, and we are not surprised to see Toshiba join the game with their latest Canvio line. What makes the Canvio special is the spacious amount of storage made available, where you will be able to find a size to fit just about any budget. Available in four capacities – 500GB, 640GB, 750GB and a maximum of 1TB, the Canvio should be able to satisfy most ordinary working folks like you and I, especially when most of us would use it to store our favorite collection of digital photos and videos, movies, songs as well as precious work data.
Everyone has had those moments when they’re so absorbed in what they’re doing on the computer they’ll occasionally forget to get up and move around. That also means they may forget about that nice cold drink that was sitting on their desk. Instead of letting it get hot while you’re in the middle of something, you could pick up this beverage chiller meant to sit right next to your computer at all times of the day or even the night.
We’ve see monitors progress from CRT to LCD and now, LED and perhaps even OLED if you are feeling rather generous in your pockets, but how many of those are truly portable? No sir, they sit on your desk all day long, and lugging one around would probably cause you a bad back in no time. Needless to say, those tiny USB-powered monitors don’t really count as portable, since they more or less act as a supplementary monitor instead of a primary one. MEDL Technology intends to change the way we do things with their device which is simply known as ‘The Panel’, where it boasts of being the first fully functional, portable LED monitor in the world. Now how about that – your very own portable LED monitor tucked right under your arm? Trippin’! Let us delve further into what MEDL’s The Panel offers in the extended post.
By now we have plenty of USB flash drives in our homes, and among those how many do we actually use? After all, I am pretty sure that we would have come across many a situation where we received free USB flash drives from roadshows or companies, only to toss them into a box for “later use”. Most of us probably have a primary and secondary USB flash drive which we make use of most of the time, and out of these, how many caps have we lost? You can be honest – when we’re in a rush or busy transferring some data which is deemed as private by others, our train of thought can easily be distracted only for us to leave the flash drive cap behind. Transcend prevents this from happening through a very simple solution (which has been done before, mind you) – doing away with the need for a USB flash drive cap! Their latest iteration would be the Transcend JetFlash 500 retractable USB flash drive.
It’s a trying task to find something for your lovable computer geek significant other. Especially when they say they want something shiny and outlandishly expensive. Luckily, there is the World’s Most Expensive Computer Mouse. Yes, that is the mouse’s literal product name. Having looked at the price, the product name is definitely right on the money.
Buffalo is back with a brand new DriveStation AV USB 2.0 Multimedia Hard Drive that ought to cater to those who are looking for a new attached storage solution that offers a careful balance between performance and price. Well, this model features a horizontal design alongside an easy to read external capacity meter that makes it a snap to set up in home entertainment centers, playing nice with a bunch of Digital Media Adapters and TV sets. Apart from that, it also exhibits an extensive list of features and comes in an extremely small form factor, making the DriveStation AV the perfect storage and backup solution for your media center, gaming room and for those who work, at your office
If you’re worried about what’s being said by your kids on messenger, this Chat Stick will make it easier for you to snoop. It’d be great for suspicious parents, spouses and even employers. It’ll pull chat logs from all of the different messenger programs. Then it’ll store it on the drive and organize it in a way that’s easier for you to browse through.
If you’d like to be seeing dollar signs, now you can. Plus, you can store files about all sorts of things right behind the dollar sign. You don’t even have to be rich to own the little coin. Just pay a small amount and you’ll have this to wear right around your neck. It’s yet another way to wear your USB drive right around your neck without looking like the local computer repairman.
Back at CES earlier this year, we managed to catch sight of the Doxie scanner that looked simply adorable. This is not a scanner which is meant to sit around in your office all day long. No sir, this scanner is meant to be carried around with you wherever you go on your business trips, ensuring that all relevant documents which need to be digitized can be done so in the blink of an eye and right on the spot so that you will be able to paper over the cracks of your forgetfulness. It has taken over 3 months since it was announced and paraded before starting to ship, and we’re glad to announce that you can place an order for the Doxie portable scanner for $129 a pop.
A-DATA has a brand new portable hard drive which is ready to ship to the masses, where it is known as the NH01. This is the first 2.5″ portable hard drive which is equipped with the latest USB 3.0 interface to arrive in markets worldwide after its debut at CES 2010 earlier this year. Taking full advantage of the new USB 3.0 interface, you can be sure that the A-DATA NH01 was specially designed to deliver astounding data transfer rates of up to 88 MB/s in read and 81 MB/s in write overall. Those figures mentioned have been proven to be three times speedier compared to a conventional hard drive equipped with USB 2.0 connectivity where real-world test results are concerned.
The Bomb is a set of speakers that can join together to form a ball shape. Granted, I’m not certain why they chose ball shape, but when they are separated, the speakers look like Yin and Yang symbols. The 50 mm speakers carry 2W each, with a nominal impedance of 4 Ohms. These two speakers are always connected by a curly cord that joins them. These speakers can connect to anything with a 3.5 mm input jack, but they still need power. Power can be accomplished with 3 AAA batteries, or just using a USB internet connection.The other day, I received a Bomb in the mail. Don’t worry, I’m quite all right. It was actually The Bomb from iFrogz.
The best kind of gadgets are the ones that give you something to play with while you’re supposed to be busy doing something else. After all, we all have those moments when our brains get absolutely fried. In those cases you really just need a toy to let your mind go absolutely blank for a while. Thankfully there are things like this USB hub that have a real function, besides the fact that they’re a fun little robot toy.
This has to be the strangest form of protection for your laptop that you could manage to buy. With this around if anyone goes tampering with your USB ports, everyone within hearing range will know about it. They’ll also know if you forget about the alarm and just start unplugging things at random, which tends to happen when you’ve been up too late working on your computer.
Along with summer comes too hot conditions, sometimes even indoors. If your office doesn’t quite get cool enough over the summer, you could always pick up one of these USB fans. If you like bright colors then this would definitely be the way to go. These small fans would be a little small to cool off a whole room, but they’re the right size to keep the person operating the computer from overheating
The MiniCLICK Pro is a wireless mouse, but in a miniaturized size. I’m not certain if the small size enables the user to have better cursor speeds, but I will have to say that in using this mouse, my cursor went faster than it does on my regular-sized mouse. It also slipped on my desktop like it had a frictionless bottom. As I mentioned before, the MiniCLICK Pro is wireless. It comes with a USB dongle that is quite small, and fits within the mouse itself. Yes, the tiny mouse actually opens open with a switch on the bottom that also contains the rechargeable battery.I’ve reported on Ventev products before, like the PowerCELL mobile charger. I’ve had an opportunity to try out the MiniCLICK Pro as well. So far, I’m liking what I am seeing from Ventev.
If only I had an endless supply of cash for the latest best looking gadgets out there. Truthfully I’d probably spend more money on interesting steampunk gadgets like this than things like the iPad. I usually enjoy the eccentric gadgets over the streamlined ones. This gadget although it’s the size of a USB drive, it actually has a built-in card reader.
This is one of those ideas that could have actually been a pretty decent idea, but being a Japanese product they took it just a step too far. A miniature mouse marketed towards women and made to resemble lipstick isn’t a bad idea by any means. Along with the included pouch it actually makes it pretty purse friendly, but sadly they didn’t stop there.
If only we could use the power of love to charge all of our gadets. Then we could make sure that all of our gadgets were powered sickening sweetly. Sadly this is only going to work with your very small gadgets like your cellphone and various brands of MP3 players. The power of love just isn’t nearly strong enough to handle the big time gadgets.
The FREETALK Everyman HD Webcam from In Store Solutions is finally available to the masses, specially catering to those who do plenty of talking over Skype. It is also known by its model number TALK-7140, and this brand new high-definition (HD) webcam will empower Skype users with true 720p HD video calling. If you’re interested, you might want to scoot your browser over to the Skype Shop, where it can be purchased globally as long as you have a credit card with enough money to pay for it. The Everyman HD Webcam will be able to enable HD-encoded video without breaking the bank, retailing for just $49, which is more or less similar in pricing terms when compared to most other standard webcams. This compact and lightweight Everyman HD Webcam is a snap to get it up and running since there is no set up procedure to go through – all you need to do is plug and play and you’re good to go, making it especially convenient for those who are constantly on the road.
Samsung jumps aboard the USB 3.0 bandwagon with the new STORY Station 3.0 portable hard drive, where it will boast the SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface to make it the fastest of its kind from Samsung at point of publishing. This high end 3.5″ portable hard drive is now 10 times faster in terms of speed compared to the previous USB 2.0 interface, which makes it the perfect choice for folks who have plenty of data savng and retrieval to do without wasting too much time tapping one’s fingers on the table while waiting. In fact, it has been described as being “built for advanced users who demand fast transfer speed and data security without sacrificing design”, so you know that those folks over at Samsung are dead serious.
Moshi has released its Cardette Ultra memory card reader that offers both form and function, featuring a sleek aluminum exterior that will definitely go down well if you happen to own a new iMac or MacBook. Apart from that, it touts the most advanced memory controller IC which plays nice with next generation high speed memory cards, supporting all current memory card standards with all of just 3 slots, making it a whole lot easier to use. It has a couple of USB 2.0 ports while you’re at it for added functionality, and is connected to your computer via USB 2.0. We would have liked to see it come in a USB 3.0 flavor though.
Most people have had a Swiss Army Knife at some point in their lives. It comes jam packed full of all sorts of little tools most of which you never needed, but were just happy to have around. You did always seem to be stuck with one or two attachments that you really would rather trade in for something more useful for your life. Well thankfully Quirky has picked up the Switch Knife that allows for you to pick and choose what attachments you want included
We all know of the days when owning a pet rock was actually cool. Not so shockingly it was in the 70’s when weed was also popular. That’s not what I’d call a coincidence. Well for those of you that miss your pet rock, but you’re now a respectable adult you should pick yourself up an iRock. You can talk to it just like your old rock, but it actually has a function.
SuperBiiz is more than ready to offer the SuperTalent USB 3.0 Express Drive for folks who want a USB 3.0 drive that will not break the bank. Of course, it still remains to be seen when will the USB 3.0 standard actually pick up and become a mainstream feature for the masses, as the adoption rate isn’t exactly that impressive at the moment. We’re pretty sure though that as time passes, more and more motherboard manufacturers will throw in USB 3.0 connectivity to keep up with the times, and this alone will help USB 3.0 devices proliferate the market. SuperBiiz is proud to participate in this exercise, who hopes that the USB 3.0 standard will further prompt flash manufactures to create new high performance architectures which are capable of outperforming even the fastest USB 2.0 devices on the market. The USB 3.0 Express drive will come in 16GB and 32GB capacities, and for folks who wonder whether it will play nice with older machines, the USB 3.0 Express Drive is fully backward compatible to USB 2.0 connectors
The creepy thing about webcams is visiting someone’s house and attempting to make sure their webcam light isn’t on. After all they could be attempting to catch a prank on camera or if you’re there with a prospective partner they could be attempting to record other actions. With this Anti-Peep cam, everyone will know when your cam isn’t in use and give them the confidence to relax. It’s a good way for the usual person to let everyone know that they’re not a creep or notorious prankster.
I know what you’re thinking, it’s just another silly steampunk USB drive. That is unless you’re like me, then you’re just excited to see a different steampunk USB drive. Well if you do think it’s just another of a long series you’d be slightly incorrect, you see this one is different. It’s waterproof! Any drive that looks this good and allows for you to drop it in a pool of water on occasion is worth checking out.
Want to make sure that you have something to juice up your gizmos most of the time within easy reach, no matter whether you are on the road or at home? Surely you won’t be able to go wrong with the Power Bullet Charger, as this device comes with a connector that helps you hook up to your car’s cigarette lighter, not to mention a two-prong form factor on the opposite end that lets you hook it up to any wall power outlet anytime you’re in a building. Bear in mind that this $14.99 Power Bullet Charger works with USB-rechargeable devices only, featuring a couple of USB ports to juice two devices simultaneously.
Buying a CD is one thing that’s not done a whole lot anymore. You either buy something through iTunes or you find other ways to “acquire” the songs you want. Well if you’re a serious Lady Gaga fan, now you can pick up a flash drive packed full of songs already. Plus it has a few other things to keep fans of her music very happy.
Now that Iron Man 2 has hit the theaters and most people have had a chance to swing by and watch it, if you liked it you might want a little gear to go with it. Thankfully Tyme Machine has a small but useable item to show off your love for the new movie. Normally he looks like just a cute miniature of Iron Man 2, but if you pop off his head it’ll reveal a USB drive stored within.
Now this is a robot you don’t have to worry about taking over the world. When everything has been taken over by robots, these will stay happily neutral thanks to their simple function. Even their look is completely harmless, since they look more similar to what we believed robots would look like about 50 years ago. Now that we’re closer to an age of robots, we have a much more sophisticated idea of robots, obviously.
Sometimes when you’re sitting at that computer screen it gets awful lonely. No amount of social networking or online chats will give you the companionship that you need and crave. Just tap this silver little pet and he’ll respond to your touch in all sorts of pleasant ways. Then when you’re tired of his bouncy little personality, you can force him to fall asleep.
faceVsion Technology from the US is a name synonymous with HD video communication products that target the consumer and business niche markets, and has just announced that the long awaited TouchCam N1 720p HD Videocam is finally out, where it was first demonstrated to the masses at CES 2010 which was held in Las Vegas earlier this year. The faceVsion TouchCam N1 is very different from all of the other “HD” webcams in the market, since this is the first of its kind to achieve Skype certification, where it is full well capable of streaming full screen, 720p HD video content over the Internet courtesy of integrated H.264 video encoding. Not only that, the TouchCam N1 also sports an extremely wide 78-degree field of view lens as well as dual integrated microphones which are able to deliver a video call experience that is so real, you would feel as though you were there yourself.
Having your data with you at all times has become an essential thing. We want absolutely everything to be mobile and with us at all times. Which makes these flash drive cufflinks only the obvious next step. This pair of USB drives will let you keep all of your documents directly on your wrist. Plus you can keep two different sets, since you’ll have a drive on each wrist.
When we talk about purchasing another monitor, most of us would think of getting something that is at least similar in size to the one which we currently use, and definitely not smaller. That’s how it is supposed to be (some unwritten rule somewhere obviously), but guess times and needs have certainly changed, which is why these days it might even end up being trendy to get a small 7″ LCD monitor to function as a minor extension of your desktop. Of course, only a handful of models are out there at the moment, and is certainly at the forefront of things where USB-driven mini-monitors are concerned. Their latest device, the Mimo 720-F “Flex Screen” Touchscreen Monitor, has just arrived at the market and is the result of Mimo consumer demand especially after so many customers asked for an easily-mountable touchscreen monitor.
They say never judge a book by its cover, so the same applies to Yoda – this wizened Jedi Master might be small in stature, but he sure is large on skills which is why he is incarnated as the Yoda USB Desk protector to prevent pesky Sith from snooping around your desk. Thanks to a built-in motion detector, Yoda can detect movement from 6 feet all the way to 9 feet away, where his lightsaber will activate upon detection of movement with a signature buzzing sound, not to mention spouting out some classing phrases such as, “In the end, cowards are those who follow the Dark Side”, “A disturbance in the Force there is”, “Retreat! Cover you I will”, “Still much to learn you have”, “So certain of defeat are you, hmmm?” and “Rush not into fight, long is the war. Only by surviving it will you prevail.” At $25.99 a pop, we can’t wait to see a Darth Vader edition roll out.
If you’re looking for the most talented light, which who wouldn’t be?! Well then you’re in luck, because t’Light actually stands for the Most Talented Light. Not only does this light illuminate your desk, but it also has a little love for your smaller electronics and cuts down on those obnoxious cords. Don’t worry, it’s not just a concept design either, this one can actually be purchased.
I suppose this is the appeal of the “limited edition” T-shirt shooting gun that shoots nothing but “authentic Nike shirts”. It is even engraved with a signature by an authentic Nike Athlete. Do these Nike guys know how to party, or what? If you want to see it in action, feel free to view the video of the Nike 6.0 Shredders with Steven Jackson after the jump. Yes, it does look fun to have a T-shirt fight.This next device may or may not be real, but it really should be. Some of you may have been at sporting events that had people shoot T-shirts into the crowd, but how would you like to be the one doing the shooting?